Portland Dental Blog
We all know that helping our little ones with their oral health is key to them enjoying a happy and healthy smile. You may also be aware that regular visits, brushing and flossing, and eating well all matter when considering your kids’ oral health.
When you’re living with rheumatoid arthritis, flossing, brushing and seeing your family dentist in SW Portland regularly all become incredibly important. Studies have shown that a strong connection exists between rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease, an inflammatory condition that can lead to the development of tooth loss and a number of chronic health condition that include heart disease, stroke, diabetes and dementia.
With all of the holiday parties and family gatherings this time of year brings, your dentist in Burlingame-Portland understands just how difficult saying no to all those tasty treats can be. While it can certainly be difficult to just limit yourself to one or two of the treats that pop up in the office break room or that you receive as a Secret Santa gift, there are a few steps you can take to help protect your oral health from the sugar rush that comes along with the holidays.
As we have covered in our Burlingame dentist blog, research has found significant links between periodontitis and a variety of serious health issues that include diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. Additional studies have found some levels of connection between periodontitis and testosterone levels, but they have been less conclusive.
Have you been avoiding group photos or scheduling meetings over the phone rather than in-person? Has brushing and flossing become uncomfortable? Is smiling the source embarrassment? If the answer to these questions is yes, is it because you’re suffering from bleeding gums?
As your Burlingame family dentist, our team strives to help provide parents with the latest and most up-to-date information regarding the best practices for protecting their children’s oral health. Practicing quality oral care at a young age will help protect a child’s oral health and ensure his or her oral development progresses at the correct rate.
Brushing and flossing regularly helps to maintain your oral health by removing sugars and lingering food particles from your teeth that unite with bacteria in the mouth to form plaque.
As an experienced provider of kids’ dental care in SW Portland, our team at Burlingame Dental Arts knows firsthand just how important a child’s early oral health is to his or her long-term development.
Due to the demands many people find placed on them by work and family commitments, stress has become a daily part of the lives of millions of Americans.
At Burlingame Dental Arts, part of how we aspire to become the best dentist in SW Portland is by helping our patients protect their oral health at home.
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